Hide and Seek
In-game exhibition for Nintendo Switch
MoCAK by Julia Maiuri
May 2021
The Museum of Contemporary Art Kittengale (MoCAK), a virtual art space in the video game Animal Crossing: New Horizons, was created by Julia Maiuri in March 2020. In her own words, “Programming is facilitated by Maiuri and Joolz, her avatar within the game. Working on this platform, Maiuri pushes the limitations of the game to curate weekly fantasy exhibitions by real-life artists.”
I worked with Maiuri to create Hide and Seek, an in-game representation of previously existing artworks that explored disembodiment through routine interactions with everyday objects. The exhibition considered how our physical and material baggage appears even within the forms of play that propose an alternative to the inhabited world, and how time in this supposed utopia is still largely spent performing mundane tasks.